Ever had that feeling that someone is really listening when you talk... That they care deeply about what it feels like to walk in your shoes? Well, that's what we're here to do.
Golden Heart Services is a holistic, evidence-based and person-centred approach.
That means we take on board what you're saying and needing.
The day-to-day challenges you face are real, and we can help when things get tough.
We make it our mission to help you on the good days and the bad.
A newly Acquired Brain Injury is overwhelming, it's unexpected and throws our world and the world of our loved ones upside down.
We understand, we have lived disability experience and are here to remind you of the things that can get lost in the journey:
Our team is trained in finding the tools within you to shape your new potential. We are dedicated to understanding how your mind and body work and pushing you to new boundaries. Providing you with the care you need to navigate this new chapter with confidence and compassion.